
Fee Schedules

Merit Sessions $100-$400
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

A new student may do a session and pay the Sun after the session is over. Paying what the student thought the session was worth.

Independent Sessions $200-$400
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

A general session where we do a check-in of what is going on with the student. After the check-in, we start to work on what is most optimal for the student in the time span.

Manifestation Workshop $200-$800
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

Specifically targets student’s goal and uses the 5 senses, visualization, and includes creating an audio meditation recording. This recording is for the student. One will use again and again in the future. It can be recorded in either the student’s voice or by the Sun Process Teacher. These workshops are curated and optimized to each student’s own personal goals and aspirations. We will together create optimal goals for the student and together we will create actionable steps and pathways to reach and attain these goals.

Unblocking & Reprogramming Workshop $200-$800
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

There are things that stops people from reaching their goals and dreams. This workshop helps unblock issues and hurdles. These issues can be caused by DNA, family history, events in life one’s life one may or may not remember. We can help by desensitizing, “removing” these traumas from the body. This will help embrace the next stage in your life. 


Meditation and Jump Start Workshop $200-$800
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

This workshop comes in different levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. It provides an opportunity to hone and establish meditation skills. This workshop gives one a head start to create better momentum for your goals. For those looking to start a strong meditation practice. We create actionable, realistic, “do-able” goals and have follow through. It is also for those who are preparing for “awakening”.

Awakening (Mastery) Workshop $200-$800
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

Prerequisites is 4 year consistent meditation practice. This is for seasoned and high-level practitioners. Teach principles, techniques, and practice to get to complete freedom and presence. This is for an advanced practice.  


Advanced Leap Workshop $200-$800
(50 min x2, or 1 hr 40 min)

This workshop helps students get to the next level. We look at where you are in your meditation, re-patterning and current conditioning of the heart, mind, body and soul.  We optimize you in those 4 areas mentioned above. They all have a job and we optimize the student to really take advantage of Sun Process to be your best self and live your purpose. 

Joy Workshop $20
(Group Setting)

This is a workshop that you can de-stress and allows one to feel more joy. There is little bit of yoga and qi-gong to warm up. We create a joyful environment where everyone can be seen, heard, accepted and loved.